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  Historia pa mbarim..........................................

Chat...Chat....Chat.......!7REDONINHO1105Fri 5 Dec - 11:44
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  1 fjale.

[ Shko tek faqjaShko tek faqja: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Chat...Chat....Chat.......!80REDONINHO1975Sat 20 Oct - 10:03
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Pa lidhje

Chat...Chat....Chat.......!9REDONINHO747Sat 20 Oct - 10:00
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  kush nga cunat rrin me shum ne msn???

Chat...Chat....Chat.......!1VistaNet602Sat 20 Oct - 9:59
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Durresi in love

DASHURIA16Tedi663Sat 20 Oct - 9:58
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Sa % e Durrskeve mendoni se kane te dashur

FORUMI I DURRESIT16VistaNet816Sat 20 Oct - 9:56
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  C'fare kenge po degjoni ne kete moment????

[ Shko tek faqjaShko tek faqja: 1, 2 ]
MUZIKA32Lela_Dr1052Mon 27 Aug - 16:53
VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  A mendoni se duhet ta fitonte MIGJENI rinfestin?????????

FORUMI I DURRESIT9VistaNet634Mon 27 Aug - 16:44
VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Miss & Mister Durresi 2006

VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Si mendoni se eshte Durresi ne krahasim me qytetet e tjera??

FORUMI I DURRESIT17VistaNet2078Mon 27 Aug - 16:42
VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty


VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Cfare mendoni per forumin?????

[ Shko tek faqjaShko tek faqja: 1, 2 ]
Mendimi juaj per forumin48REDONINHO1566Mon 20 Aug - 1:11
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Hajde mblidhuni ketu, bejme pak thashetheme!!!!!

Chat...Chat....Chat.......!19Lela_Dr451Mon 2 Jul - 19:12
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty


Diskutime Shoqerore5REDONINHO530Mon 2 Jul - 19:10
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Makine fluturuese??????????????????????

Diskutime Shoqerore2REDONINHO451Mon 2 Jul - 19:08
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Bashkjetese apo martese?

Diskutime Shoqerore2REDONINHO497Mon 2 Jul - 19:07
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Pershendetje me Kenge

[ Shko tek faqjaShko tek faqja: 1, 2 ]
MUZIKA41Lela_Dr1045Mon 2 Jul - 19:00
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Kenga me e bukur e gjitha kohrave.....................

MUZIKA3REDONINHO488Mon 2 Jul - 18:54
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  ne cmoshe keni rene ne dashuri per here te pare?

DASHURIA10lola499Tue 30 Jan - 0:00
duna Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

 Ngjitės Milani humbet me Romen ne San Siro!!!!!!!Sa qef cuna eeee!!!

SPORT1VistaNet452Fri 8 Dec - 0:43
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Femra/Mashkulli juaj ideal/e

DASHURIA0REDONINHO485Sun 5 Nov - 14:16
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Provoni te beni para........................

Diskutime Shoqerore0REDONINHO447Sat 4 Nov - 0:08
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  ē'mendim krijoni per nje person qe s'eshte lidhur asnje her

DASHURIA12catwoman388Fri 3 Nov - 22:16
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

 [ Sondazh ] Muzika juaj e preferuar?????????/

MUZIKA10REDONINHO490Fri 3 Nov - 21:51
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Soni = Enisi lidhja e ktyre 2 personave!!!!!!!

DASHURIA5VistaNet447Thu 2 Nov - 22:42
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Si mendoni do ta gjeje RIMIAS shpirtin e tij binjak?

DASHURIA16REDONINHO483Wed 1 Nov - 21:22
VistaNet Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

 Ngjitės A e meritonte Interi fitoren e 28.10.2006 kundra Milanit

SPORT5VistaNet402Mon 30 Oct - 15:58
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

 [ Sondazh ] Si mendoni do arrije Juventus te arrrije kete vit ne Serie A

SPORT4REDONINHO394Mon 30 Oct - 0:46
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Forumi ėshtė kycur. Postimi dhe modifikimi i mesazheve nuk lejohetLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

 [ Sondazh ] Kush mendoni se do te fitoje Boterorin e ketij viti???

SPORT6REDONINHO456Thu 12 Oct - 1:24
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Renditjet e deritanishme te kampionateve kryesore...........

SPORT6REDONINHO709Sun 8 Oct - 14:25
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Per c'fare studioni????

Diskutime Shoqerore6Lela_Dr522Sun 1 Oct - 16:39
lola Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Perse rinia e Sotshme nuk din me u argetuar si me pare??????

Diskutime Shoqerore6Lela_Dr533Thu 27 Jul - 11:14
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  INTER KAMPION I ITALISE 2005-2006!!!!!!

SPORT0REDONINHO439Thu 27 Jul - 11:07
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Perse muzika ka efekt shplodhje ke njeriu????

MUZIKA4Lela_Dr418Sat 10 Jun - 0:32
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty


Diskutime Shoqerore5REDONINHO485Sat 10 Jun - 0:16
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Plazh apo pishine??????????????

Diskutime Shoqerore6REDONINHO450Thu 8 Jun - 21:17
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Durrsakja e pare e forumit.

Prezantohu ne forum6Lela_Dr468Wed 7 Jun - 0:43
Tedi Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Shevcencho:Lamtumire Itali ............... Firmos per Ēelsin

SPORT1REDONINHO497Sun 4 Jun - 19:45
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Henry..................mbetet te Arsenal

SPORT1REDONINHO439Sun 4 Jun - 19:42
Rimias Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Fakte rreth boterorit Gjermani 2006.

SPORT0REDONINHO471Fri 26 May - 22:30
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Teuta siguron qendrimin mes me te mirave.

SPORT0REDONINHO428Fri 26 May - 22:23
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
Asnjė mesazh i riLatest topics and discussions - FORUMI I DURRESIT Empty

  Seria A mbaroi...............pothuajse.

SPORT2REDONINHO489Fri 26 May - 21:57
REDONINHO Shiko mesazhin e fundit
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